The Positive Effects of TMG: Enhancing Health and Longevity with Trimethylglycine

Trimethylglycine (TMG), also known as betaine, is a naturally occurring compound found in plants, animals, and humans.

It plays a crucial role in numerous biological processes, particularly in methylation, which is essential for DNA repair, detoxification, and cellular function. While TMG is often overlooked in the world of supplements, it offers a wide range of health benefits, including enhanced cardiovascular health, improved liver function, and increased athletic performance.

When combined with other powerful supplements like Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ) and Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN), TMG’s positive effects can be amplified, making it a valuable addition to any health and longevity regimen.


What is TMG?

TMG is derived from the amino acid glycine and has three methyl groups attached to it. These methyl groups make TMG a crucial methyl donor in the body, contributing to the methylation process. Methylation is a biochemical process that affects numerous bodily functions, including gene expression, detoxification, neurotransmitter production, and the maintenance of DNA integrity.

TMG is found naturally in various foods, such as beets, spinach, quinoa, and wheat bran. It can also be synthesized by the body from choline, another vital nutrient. However, supplementing with TMG can help ensure adequate levels, particularly for individuals with increased methylation demands due to stress, diet, or certain health conditions.

Positive Effects of TMG

Supports Cardiovascular Health

One of the primary benefits of TMG is its role in supporting cardiovascular health. TMG is involved in the metabolism of homocysteine, an amino acid that, when elevated, can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular issues. TMG helps convert homocysteine into methionine, reducing the levels of homocysteine in the blood and thus lowering the risk of cardiovascular problems.

Elevated homocysteine levels have been associated with arterial damage, blood clot formation, and inflammation, all of which contribute to heart disease. By lowering homocysteine levels, TMG can help reduce the likelihood of these issues and promote overall cardiovascular health.

Enhances Liver Function and Detoxification

The liver is responsible for detoxifying the body, processing waste products, and regulating various metabolic functions. TMG plays a critical role in liver function by supporting the methylation process, which is essential for detoxification and the processing of harmful substances.

TMG also helps protect the liver from damage caused by fatty liver disease, alcohol consumption, and other toxins. Studies have shown that TMG supplementation can reduce liver fat accumulation and improve liver function, particularly in individuals with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). By enhancing the liver’s ability to process and eliminate toxins, TMG can support overall liver health and function.

Promotes Healthy Ageing and Longevity

Methylation is closely linked to the ageing process. As we age, the efficiency of methylation tends to decline, leading to DNA damage, impaired cellular function, and increased susceptibility to age-related diseases. By supporting methylation, TMG can help maintain cellular health, protect DNA, and promote healthy ageing.

In addition to its effects on methylation, TMG has been shown to have antioxidant properties, helping to protect cells from oxidative stress and damage. This can further contribute to longevity by reducing the impact of free radicals on the body.

Improves Athletic Performance and Muscle Function

TMG has gained popularity in the fitness community for its ability to enhance athletic performance and muscle function. TMG is involved in the production of creatine, a compound that plays a key role in muscle energy production and strength. Supplementing with TMG can increase creatine levels in the muscles, leading to improved exercise performance, increased strength, and enhanced recovery.

Studies have shown that TMG supplementation can improve power output, endurance, and body composition in athletes. Additionally, TMG may help reduce muscle soreness and inflammation after exercise, promoting faster recovery and better overall performance.

Supports Mental Health and Cognitive Function Methylation is also essential for the production and regulation of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters play a crucial role in mood regulation, cognitive function, and overall mental health. By supporting methylation, TMG can help balance neurotransmitter levels, potentially improving mood, focus, and mental clarity.

Some research suggests that TMG may have antidepressant effects, particularly in individuals with methylation deficiencies or imbalances. While more research is needed in this area, TMG’s role in supporting brain health and cognitive function makes it a promising supplement for mental well-being.

Combining TMG with PQQ and NMN for Enhanced Benefits

While TMG offers a wide range of health benefits on its own, combining it with other powerful supplements like Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ) and Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) can enhance its effects, particularly in the areas of cellular health, energy production, and longevity.

PQQ is a potent antioxidant that supports mitochondrial biogenesis, the process of creating new mitochondria in cells. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells, responsible for producing energy and maintaining cellular health. As we age, mitochondrial function tends to decline, leading to reduced energy levels and increased susceptibility to age-related diseases. PQQ helps counteract this decline by promoting the creation of new, healthy mitochondria and protecting existing ones from oxidative stress.

NMN, on the other hand, is a precursor to Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+), a coenzyme that plays a critical role in energy metabolism, DNA repair, and cellular signaling. NAD+ levels naturally decline with age, leading to impaired cellular function and an increased risk of chronic diseases. Supplementing with NMN can boost NAD+ levels, supporting healthy ageing and improving overall cellular function.

When TMG is combined with PQQ and NMN, the three compounds work synergistically to optimize cellular health, energy production, and longevity. TMG’s role in methylation supports DNA repair and detoxification, while PQQ promotes mitochondrial health and NMN enhances energy metabolism. Together, they create a powerful trifecta for combating the effects of ageing and promoting overall health and vitality.

For individuals seeking to maximise their anti-ageing efforts, a regimen that includes TMG, PQQ, and NMN could provide comprehensive support for cellular function, energy production, and longevity.

Dosage and Safety

TMG is generally considered safe when taken in appropriate doses. Most studies suggest a daily dose of 500-3000 mg of TMG for optimal results. PQQ dosages typically range from 10-20 mg per day, while NMN dosages are usually around 250-500 mg per day. As with any supplement, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before beginning a new regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are taking other medications.


Trimethylglycine (TMG) is a versatile supplement that offers numerous benefits for cardiovascular health, liver function, athletic performance, and mental well-being. By supporting methylation, TMG can promote healthy aging, protect DNA, and enhance overall cellular function. When combined with Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ) and Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN), TMG’s effects are further amplified, creating a powerful combination for longevity and vitality.

As more research continues to emerge on the benefits of TMG, PQQ, and NMN, these compounds are likely to become increasingly popular in the fields of health and wellness. By incorporating them into your daily routine, you can take a proactive approach to aging and enjoy the benefits of improved cellular health, energy production, and overall vitality.


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